Language Processing Disorder: 5 ways to help students suffering from it
What is Language Processing Disorder?
Language Processing Disorder (LPD) is a learning disability that – such as dyslexia – can affect expressive language (what a student says) and or receptive language (how the students understands what others say). It is important to note that LPD does not affect the student’s hearing or speaking ability, just how their brain processes the information. How can teachers help these children fit in and make the best of their school years despite their disability?
Recognizing the symptoms
Though the condition can only be diagnosed by a language therapist through testing, children affected by Language processing disorder present several symptoms. Do you recognize any of the following behaviors in a student?
- The child was a “late talker”
- Often feels frustrated for not being able to express their thoughts
- Has poor reading comprehension skills
- Demonstrates a poor understanding of spoken language
- Has a limited vocabulary for their age
- Can recognize objects but seems unable to describe them
How teachers can help
Because Language processing disorder mostly affects students, teachers can really help them feel more adequate in the classroom by making small changes and adjustments to their methods.
Speaking slowly and more clearly, repeating key concepts or writing them on the blackboard could help making sure everyone is up to speed. Using visualization techniques or allowing students to use visual projects instead of written assignments or multiple choice tests can also make a huge difference in performance.
How parents can help
Support at home is one of the most important factors when it comes to dealing with a learning disability. Hiring a private tutor to help the child with homework is strongly encouraged, depending on the severity of the child’s condition they could also benefit from a learning support teacher while they are in class. Parents themselves can help their child with homework, showing them how to summarize the reading material and take notes for better retention.
How EduTech can help
Literacy-specific software programs like the ones developed by Texthelp can make a real difference in the way children with LPD experience learning.
For example, inside Texthelp Toolkit you can find Read&Write, a family of literacy software that helps students understand, read, write and communicate by offering support tools to help maintaining focus, allow easy access to information and provide an alternative audio readers as well as voice typing options. Furthermore, it helps teachers to monitor and track pupil progression.
Pictures, videos and audio recordings are also incredibly helpful tools for students with LPD to better visualize new information. If you are a math’s teacher, EquatIO (another software from Texthelp Toolkit) and Microsoft OneNote are great assistant tools that allows to type or handwrite math equations, helping students to better visualize it and improving their solving skills.
Educational videogames like Minecraft Education deserve to be mentioned too, they allow children to interact in a more active way they with the concepts they are being taught, helping them find the logic behind them.