Intel® Skills for Innovation: fostering future innovators

Intel Skills for Innovation

In an increasingly digitalized world, innovation goes through technological skills. Thus, educators should support initiatives introducing students to digital literacy to prepare them for their future. 

Acer has always pursued the mission of bringing the world of education closer to technology as a resource for future generations. Therefore, we are excited to introduce a motivating project: Intel® Skills for Innovation.

The SFI initiative powered by Intel® carries on, together with Acer’s devices designed for schools, the proposition of shaping education through the sensible use of technology

Intel® Skills for Innovation: more than a project, a vision

The Intel® Skills for Innovation Initiative (Intel® SFI) aims to empower decision-makers and educators to create innovative learning experiences with technology inside and outside the classroom. 

This ambitious and fundamental quest comes from the awareness of how important it is for educators to gain the necessary knowledge to train students to become future innovators

Intel® SFI is more than an initiative: it is a vision that integrates within the education system to inspire teachers and learners to reach their full potential. And that goes hand in hand with Acer’s commitment to education.

Acer’s ecosystem provides the best solution for their needs through an extensive portfolio of devices, from Chromebooks to Notebooks. Together, Acer & Intel®, bring a comprehensive solution for schools to prepare students and teachers for a tech-driven future

The Intel® Skills for Innovation framework

The Intel® SFI initiative is a real path geared toward becoming innovators and it develops through 4 levels: Plan, Experience, Train, Deploy


The post-pandemic environment asks for new skill requirements: Intel® SFI helps educators rethink the role of technology in their field to foster skill-building and find common ground for stakeholders to create an action plan


Intel® Skills for Innovation invites educators to experience the potential of technology designed for skill-building within the learning environment to identify best practices to adopt on an infrastructural level


In order to train students at best, teachers must be trained first. Intel® SFI supports educators in developing resourceful competencies to upgrade learners’ skills on a higher level.


The education world of today is globally interconnected, and technology is the key to promoting overall change and improvement. Intel® SFI incentivizes the diffusion of technology-supported, skills-based learning models across the entire system

Get inspired by a successful school story featuring Acer and Intel® SFI.

Why enroll in Intel® Skills for Innovation?

Today, professionals must face new challenges requiring different problem-solving and future-ready skills compared to the past. What is the difference? Digitalization.

Indeed, research highlights that future job markets ask for more cognitive, social-emotional, and technological skills. In detail, while the demand for manual and basic cognitive skills is dropping, there is a growing need for technical and higher cognitive skills. 

What does this change mean in terms of job roles? The most promising emerging ones are in data analytics, science, AI & machine learning, big data, digital marketing, and process automation

However, we must expect a decline in the demand for roles in data entry, accounting, and manufacturing, as these are most likely going to be liable to automation.

Within this landscape, it is even clearer how important it is to equip all stakeholders in education with the right tools to not only adapt to a changing future but also thrive within it. 

Knowing this, Intel® designed a program of webinars, workshops, and classroom activities to guide educators to reach a mentor position and bring the utmost potential out of students. Acer is enthusiastic about promoting this project which seamlessly integrates with its offer for education to upgrade the learning experience for teachers and learners

Find out more about this inspiring initiative on the Skills for Innovation website!

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