Rybnik School – Fostering collaboration with Acer Chromebooks

IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Mikołaja Kopernika – better known as “Kopernik School” – is a secondary school located in Rybnik, a small city in the Southern Poland; this school is attended by almost 350 students, with 30 educators teaching them.
The school management had had a great foresight some year ago and decided to leverage on two elements to make the school grow bigger and faster: updating the IT infrastructure and fostering students’ international vision.
To reach this latter goal, the Rybnik School get involved in eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects, having the chance to collaborate with other schools from all over Europe, but first of all the staff changed its teaching methods, in order to motivate pupils to study hard through innovative teaching techniques: “We hope to transform our school into an institution where teaching passion translates into learning passion; a place where both teachers and students develop an attitude open to and welcoming international contacts and cooperation, breaking through the language and cultural barriers”, said the Rybnik School Principal.
For what about the first one – overtaking an inadequate IT infrastructure – Rybnik School educators had simple needs: to streamline cooperation and information flow, without requiring advanced IT knowledge to work. Along with Seiloc Enterprise Solutions and Acer, Rybnik School found in Acer Chromebooks the perfect solution to renew the IT infrastructure and boost the classroom digitalization.
Acer Chromebooks are really appreciated from Rybnik students because they are very easy to use, working very similarly to mobile phones, and because they are flexible, being easy to move between the different learning spaces of the school. Furthermore, Chromebooks are provided with Google Suite for Education, allowing to streamline communication and collaboration among teachers and students and facilitating the cooperation on common projects.

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