Visit to Escola Paidos – Sant Fruitós de Bages Spain

Escola Paidos, we are finally here! We were so curious about experiencing the school personally after reading this great case study!

Escola Paidos is an education centre located in Sant Fruitós de Bages, Barcelona, whose project aims to empower the development of cooperative learning and the digital competences among students. This is the result of the environment strategy 1×1 that has been developing in Catalonia for 10 years.
The goal of these ‘one child, one computer’ politics – aiming to introduce laptops in the classrooms and to incorporate little by little electronic books instead of paper ones – is to support each student with a bunch of tools which may make easier their learning and adaptation processes. The computer is an additional, nevertheless essential tool that students will use in order to face the methodological transformation that education is now experiencing.
The school hosts 726 students from kinder garden up to 16 years old kids. During the conversation with the team of teachers, we caught the following amazing pillars:

  • Escola Paidos is certified as Escola Smart by Fondazione Smart (UNI WORK);
  • Their project is common to Australian schools and everything is about preparing kids to their working future;
  • All teachers are involved in a training where external auditors are very close to them even in the classroom. The aim is to ensure teachers to have a smooth journey while exiting from their comfort zone;
  • At kinder garden, while playing, they speak English as a communication priority;
  • The subject Natural Science is also studied in English.

As you can see, this is much more than a device in the classroom. The student is the core of the learning path and everything is built to support his journey.
Technology is included step by step depending on the age of the students and it is 100% incorporated to the learning model. Thanks to the Acer CloudProfessor, students can learn coding very easily. Combining hardware, software and cloud, it gives students hands-on learning experiences by bringing their own ideas into life.
Furthermore, there are two other important tools in the students’ life at Escuela Paidos:

  • Sport, which teaches life skills such as teamwork and enhances the physical and mental development of children;
  • Emotional education, which improves self-esteem, group dynamics and helps to manage emotions.

Concerning the pedagogical practice and the content management, Escola Paidos uses two main platforms – Accademia and Google G suite – while lessons and books come from external sources.
In the learning process of Escola Paidos, each student becomes a content maker, creating videos, presentations, etc., and achieving excellent results. The access to the future classroom lab is part of the learning process too and students of any class can use it.
What else can I say except that Escola Paidos environment perfectly reflects Acer’s concept of schools of tomorrow!!

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