How EduTech can help teachers save time

In the past several years technology has had a strong impact on education, changing the way teachers and students manage their workload and their schedule. Simple tools like Google Drive, Evernote, Trello, and even Facebook can completely change the way teachers look at their job, so here are 6 ways EduTech can help increase productivity and save time.

1 – Going paperless

Going paperless is the first step to take, the easiest way to reduce clutter and start fresh. It’s fast, easy, and environment friendly. Being able to keep everything in one place significantly improves overall organization and simplifies everyday tasks, such as making sure students are up to date with the material.

2 – Computer-based testing

The main benefit of computer based testing is instant score report. It gives teachers an immediate overview of the class’ strengths and weaknesses, without any of the time spent grading. Computer based testing also allows students with disabilities will be able to take tests with everyone else, significantly reducing the time teachers would otherwise need to accommodate their needs. When it comes to large scale testing this method is particularly effective, making the whole process faster, cheaper, better organized, and easier on the staff.

3 – Online assignments

Online assignments can be completed, updated, submitted and graded from anywhere at any time. They have clear deadlines and they can even be timed, allowing teachers to know exactly how much time it takes students to write a paper or to take a test. Even lesson planning can benefit from online assignments, as teachers will be able to integrate the topics student struggled with the most in their next class.

4 – Lesson planning

Researching content online is easier today than it’s ever been. This allows teachers to find and integrate videos and newspaper articles into their classes, significantly improving students’ engagement and encouraging them to interact with the content being shown. Studies have confirmed that showing videos in class will increase attention and even attendance, additionally the use of interactive material in class has been linked with higher memory retention rates.
Just like computer based testing, also this method accommodates students with disabilities without requiring additional time.

5 – Contacting parents

There are several apps and tools available to facilitate communication between teachers and parents. It has become increasingly simple for teachers to keep parents informed not only on their children’s grades but also on their behavior, attendance, and possible struggles. Other apps even allow parents to share medical information about their children, like allergies or health conditions, making it easier for the school to guarantee a safe and controlled environment.

6 – Student-teacher communication

The most successful way to communicate with students online is using platforms they are already familiar with, like Facebook and WhatsApp. It will make it easier for them to always be up to date and engage with the group.
This method will ensure teachers will able to answer all students’ questions at once and in one place, giving them the time to address any doubt or concern. It will also make it easier to communicate and schedule changes, absences and special circumstances.

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