Soft skills in education: foster your students’ working future
Your students’ working future starts in your classes. Shape their soft skills and foster their professional abilities to get them ready to shift from education to the job world. Read More
Flipped learning in remote education: turn your virtual classes upside down
Turn your virtual classes upside down with flipped learning. Remote education gives you the perfect chance to implement this methodological approach. Read More
Augmenting STEM learning with Cleverbooks: the schools of tomorrow
If you are an Augmented Reality enthusiast and/or a teacher dealing with remote learning, discover how Cleverbooks can help educators enhance STEAM education with AR. Read More
The key role of Digital Libraries in a blended learning environment
Explore the benefits of a digital library as a Blended Learning tool and what teachers can do to help make the most of such an invaluable resource. Read More
Science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics: together, they make STEAM Education the best way to bring all of human knowledge together. Read More
Why fostering creativity is so important and how EdTech can help
Creativity is not all about art: find out how using the latest edtech resources to teach creative problem solving produces not only better students, but better people. Read More
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