Acer for education Success Stories Acer for Education - Success stories

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Success Stories

Your stories matter.

Visit to Escola Paidos – Sant Fruitós de Bages Spain

Discover why Escola Paidos environment perfectly reflects Acer's concept of schools of tomorrow! Read More
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Streamlining communication thanks to Acer Chromebooks: the No 4 High School success story

Discover how No.4 High School in Rybnik, Poland, improved its everyday learning experience thanks to Acer Chromebooks. Read More
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Acer Chromebooks changed the way of learning at the International School of Krakow

Discover how teaching has benefited from the introduction of Acer Chromebooks at the International School of Krakow. Read More
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Visit to Ikastolas Santo Tomas Lizeoa School – San Sebastian Spain

Ikastolas Santo Tomas Lizeoa School, in Spain, is creating a personalized learning environment for each student, even thanks to Acer Chromebook R11! Read More
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Visit to Hämeenkylä secondary school – TravelMate B118 Pilot case

We visited the Hämeenkylä secondary school in Finland on October 26th 2017. Learn about the pilot usage of Acer TravelMate B118 laptops. Read More
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Visit to San Ignacio de Loyola Ikastetxea – San Sebastian Spain

We visited the San Ignacio de Loyola Ikastetxea school in Spain on October 9th 2017. Learn about cooperative learning with Acer Chromebooks. Read More
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[CASE STUDY] Building the future with the Acer Aspire R 11

SIKO Foundation was looking for a flexible, resistant and long-lasting device for pupils from ten Dutch primary schools. Discover why their ultimate choice felt on Acer Aspire R 11. Read More
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Building students’ future with TravelMate Spin B118 – the Santa María success story

Santa Maria School chose Acer as main partner to quicken the digital transformation in classrooms. Here's how they incorporate TravelMate Spin B118 in educational practice. Read More
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Play, Code & Make – Acer CloudProfessor at Devoxx4kids

In May, kids from Lugano, Switzerland had the opportunity to try out Acer’s CloudProfessor IoT training kit for the very first time in Europe during a coding event hosted by Devoxx4Kids. Read More
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Help students to learn with Acer Chromebook: Filey Jr School Case Study

Filey Junior School has equipped each of their students with an Acer Chromebook, so students have access to a whole range of educational applications and instant feedback. Read More
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